Anne Jones is a former teacher and six time World Champion Speed Reader.
She lives in Riding Mill, Northumberland, UK
In addition to her World Champion status she became recognized around the world, after reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, in just 47 minutes and then reviewing the book for Sky News afterwards.

Image: flickr
Anne Jones Super Powers
For Anne Jones reading an entire book from cover to cover is not something that takes you all weekend, or even a couple of hours.
Anne can read at super sonic speeds, she has been clocked at 4700 words per minute with 67% accuracy.
Just to put that in perspective most humans read around 220-300 words per minute.
What is Anne Jones currently doing?
Anne has her own website where she helps those that want to read faster do exactly that.
She offers one on one tuition via Skype, and also has regular courses scheduled if you prefer to attend in person.
You can read all about these courses here.
Anne told us that not only does she love reading, she enjoys teaching the skill to others.
What can we learn from Anne?
When we asked Anne about Speed Reading she told us that it is different from the apps that we feature on the website in our speed reading article.
She did point out however that you can improve your reading rate using the apps to a certain extent.
Anne advised us that to achieve a really fast speed you need to understand how your eyes take in the information and how the brain processes it.
Once you understand what’s happening, you can, if you choose, use the information to develop the skill.
You need to be motivated to practice and to try different things. You modify your technique as you get faster.
We asked Anne if there was one special thing that she has learned from her life that she would want our visitors to know and she replied:
The one thing I have learnt is to trust my brain more and to allow it to operate at its best.
Genetic or Learned Super Power?
Anne surprised us by telling us that she learnt to Speed Read once she was over forty.
She doesn’t have any fast reading gene. Her speed before she learnt was 368 wpm. (The average person reads between 250 - 300 wpm)
From what she tells us we have ruled out any special genetics.
This ability comes from hard work, determination, technique and practice.
The best thing is, if you also want to become like Anne and read at super fast speeds, there is nothing stopping you.
Check out her website below.
Muito Obrigado pela a ajudar e parabéns pela sua determinação em oferecer conteúdos de qualidade, para agregar mais valores a nossas vidas.
Esclareceu bastante as minhas duvidas.