Watching Guy Bavli bend a spoon or move an object with his mind can be a little disturbing.
Most magicians when they do this kind of thing, well you know that it’s all a show, however in Guy Bavli’s case he tells everyone it is real.
Guy Bavli was born on August 24, 1971.
Early history
Guy was born in Israel, however in 2002 he moved to the US.
After the divorce of his parents, and an experience with obesity as a child Bavli became fascinated by illusions and mentalism.
Thanks to the early beginnings in show business, from the age of thirteen he was already opening acts for artists in Israel.
He was known then as “Wonder Kid”.
One of his amazing accomplishments was when, in 1996, he successfully predicted the election results in Israel!

Image: flickr
Guy Bavli’s Super Power
Telekinesis - Guy can apparently, with the power of his mind move physical objects.
Watch in this video how he bends a spoon right in front of astonished journalist Dayna Devon. This was done on live TV.
Guy Bending A Spoon On TV
What is Guy Bavli currently doing?
He continues doing his regular shows Master of the Mind and Lets Go Mental.
What can we learn from Guy Bavli?
From his own words..
If I could leave you with one thought, Find a place in your heart to love someone, and if your heart is big (which I am sure it is) then love everyone. Love is your sixth sense and the essence of every sense!
Genetic or Learned Super Power?
The more and more I have researched about Guy, the more I am convinced that rather than having super powers, he is a super magician and illusionist. With this in mind we have to say that Guy Bavli’s power can be learned.
Links and Videos
Guy Bavli’s Facebook Page
Official Website
Guy showing his mental powers
Except that they hooked up to an ekg, that represented wavelengths off the chart when he moved objects. Wavelengths that represent a seizure. How do you explain that?
Emotions. Strong emotions disrupt the brain. As a part of the act, he feels strongly in order to convince the audience of the psychic nature of his actions. People are dumb and don’t understand emotional manipulations so when he manipulates their emotions with his own, it is “magic” … the same kind of magic as “Disney magic”.
Maybe he was having a seizure
I am usually quite optimistic and always look for the good in situations and people. However, I was at his performance recently and actually called on stage to be part of the show. I am not only a skeptic, but believe he is a total con artist. I don’t know how he and his wife sleep at night, knowing they are crooks. His show is unbelievable alright; it’s not believable!