Tori Allen - Spider Woman - Super Human Number 20

Not everyone is meant to make a difference. But for me, the choice to lead an ordinary life is no…

Rob StGeorge

Zhou Ting-Jue - Grand Master - Super Human 19

Grand Master Zhou has what appears to be an amazing healing power. Born Zhou Ting-Jue was born in 1934. History…

Rob StGeorge

Subliminal Messages - Secretly Hidden In Adverts and Movies

What does the movie Lion King have in common with the 2000 US Presidential Campaign? The answer is they both…

Rob StGeorge

How to Meditate Like a Tibetan Monk

Meditation is something I only recently started doing, but has now become a daily ritual in my life. I started…

Rob StGeorge

The SapienPlus School of Out of Body Experiences (OBE’s)

Is it possible that our minds can travel outside of our bodies? This article looks at astral travel and out…

Rob StGeorge

Isao Machii - Super Samurai - Super Human Number 18

Rectitude is the power of deciding upon a certain course of conduct in accordance with reason, without wavering,--to die when…

Rob StGeorge

Stig Severinsen - Human Dolphin - Super Human Number 17

Stig Severinsen is more like a dolphin than a human being. You or I would struggle to hold our breath…

Rob StGeorge

Dean Karnazes - Running Man - Super Human Number 16

"Follow your heart and you will never lose your way." Our first thoughts were that Dean Karnazes is more a…

Rob StGeorge

Edgar Cayce - Clairvoyant - Super Human Number 15

Edgar Cayce - The soul, then, must return-will return-to its Maker. It is a portion of the Creative Force, which…

Rob StGeorge

What the Government doesn’t want you to know about Remote Viewing

Remote viewing became popular back in the 1990s after the declassification of a $20 million dollar research program led by…

Rob StGeorge